Google Apps
Google has a lot to offer and a lot of apps to provided those offerings. Navigating Google might seem simple, but writing content for a blogger site, registering it on WebMaster Tools, linking to Analytics, storing files on Drive, and managing videos on YouTube is already complex, and behind the scenes, there is so much going on, you can, and I have, gotten lost and confused in the maze of solutions.
Starting with Gmail
The first step is an obvious one, go to GMail and create an email identity for yourself. If you tried the links above, then you might be confused why you need a Google email address. The answer is simple, their products work best when used together. You will need a to experience all that Google has to offer; and there is a lot.
Getting Started
I personally enjoy writing, but even if you don't a blog is a great vehicle for every person to find some use for. You can advertise a business, show off your tech writing skills, share family stuff, express yourself, document whatever you want. Google's Drive is useful for storing various file types, and the Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets allow you to build documents without spending anything on the standard MWords, EXCELlent, or PPointer software by the competitor, which neither mention nor spell correctly for legal purposes.
This blog will detail the steps from the beginning to navigate the features of Google's assorted tools. If you feel this to easy, then skip ahead to Google Adwords and create a campaign that targets only teenagers who searched for "shampoo" in the past six months, then have customers call your phone through Google's voice app on your phone. If that comes easy to you, then my blog is for other users; new users, who want to build a Google online presence without being denied any features, forgetting any small steps, or revealing private information.
Next you should view my post on Creating Blogger sites.