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Welcome to my samples site. This website, while ultimately a resource of Project Papoose is currently reserved for visitors to view the How-to's created by me (profile linked through image on the right sidebar) for purposes relating to my professional career as a writer. Thank you for visiting. Please email me with any questions.
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Creating a Blog

Blogging Online There are many resources online for creating a blog site. One has shiny bells, while another has roomfuls of whistles, but ultimately Google has cornered the market. Ad serving used to be a competitive market with DoubleClick pioneering the efforts to violate our privacy so that display and text ads would seem eerily similar to the content of our emails and searches. The reason ads seem to be so relevant and personal these days is thanks to cookies. You should understand the impact of your internet settings, but that is outside the scope of this guidance, and there are plenty of resources to learn about the machine we entrust so carelessly with our every intimate detail. I will say this, these days, a word spoken in the vicinity of a running electronic device, whether phone, laptop, or others, may be recorded permanently and shared liberally. Plenty of embarrassing videos of celebs stand as proof. A picture of Arnold in his backyard revealed he doesn't work ou


Google Apps Google has a lot to offer and a lot of apps to provided those offerings. Navigating Google might seem simple, but writing content for a blogger site, registering it on WebMaster Tools , linking to Analytics , storing files on Drive , and managing videos on YouTube is already complex, and behind the scenes, there is so much going on, you can, and I have, gotten lost and confused in the maze of solutions. Starting with Gmail The first step is an obvious one, go to GMail and create an email identity for yourself. If you tried the links above, then you might be confused why you need a Google email address. The answer is simple, their products work best when used together. You will need a to experience all that Google has to offer; and there is a lot. Getting Started I personally enjoy writing, but even if you don't a blog is a great vehicle for every person to find some use for. You can advertise a business, show off your tech writing